Sunday, 9 February 2014

Just Do It!

As the facts slowly emerge, what the public has learned is that the bus was full of adventurous people in the prime of their lives. Among those who died were artistic souls who sought to connect their art with the real world. As young as they were, they had lived their dream. (A bus full of dreamers- GMA network)

The death of comedian actor " Tado" Jimenez along with 13 other creative souls while riding a bus for the purpose of a nature trip got me thinking.

Everyone seemed to think this was a tragic thing to happen, but death is everywhere- it can happen anytime, even the actor Tado was quoted saying pag oras mo na oras mo na kahit nasaan ka.

Tado was one rare Filipino celebrity, he is involved with a lot of advocacy especially environmental projects and the latest was with Dakila, a group he founded along with artist friends.

Ironically this was also the project that would claim his life.

I am not saddened because like I have said death is everywhere, it can happen while you are peacefully sleeping in your room.

In fact, I felt it was a poetic die while going on a nature trip with people who have creative souls...
To die while in a state of peace and rush at the same time...

In the past, my life was just a routine... I go to the office as a call center agent and work from Mondays to Saturdays.

The only recreation I have is trips in the bar, late night drinking sprees or going to the mall after my shift and drinking expensive coffee-expensive coffee that tastes just like any other cheap coffee.i
I get  my monthly salary just like every worker in the world, but the sad part is that I feel no gratification in buying clothes, gadgets or appliances--this was not the life I have envisioned--no gadget can make me happy for a long time--brand new shoes are just impressive for several minutes--after purchasing them the rush suddenly goes away.

In fact, I barely had anytime to live at all; I don't even notice how beautiful the sunrise or the sunset is because I am always tired. I don't have the time to talk to friends, did not have the time to play with pets, did not have the time to smell the flowers in the parks and gardens in the city...

While I did have good friends and good experiences while working at this environment--i felt empty.
Most of the time I just cry in my room, asking why I am in this situation and am there no other way to live my life- i had to wake up and fulfill my duties at work--but I don't know why I do this things--all my money goes to paying bills--every  month bills come and they increase and the cycle does not end.

Perhaps, that same wish led me to my current life...deep inside I wanted to be just like Tado or people like him...
I remember asking the universe to give me an awesome allow  me to meet awesome people. I cried in desperation for all of this...and got them...the process was swift...the process involved great journeys...

People like Tado who join Fun Runs for a Cause, tree planting projects, who trekked on top of Mt. Pulag, who explored places  that some can only dream of- people who can just travel anytime--anywhere--people who trusted life..- people who chose their work and projects because they love doing it--they did things because they believe in them.
A life of integrity, creativity, balance and truth...

I want to be able travel from North to South..east to west... places in Mindanao fascinates me..exploring caves and  trying out experiences that cannot be bought by money.

I wanted to be free, while money is undeniably important--I don't want money to become my master--Life should not be about constant worrying of electrical bills, rent bills, water bills--there has to be some way to get out of my sad state.
It should not be lived impressing parents or others i--because this is your life--in the end you will not be able to blame anyone if you have not enjoyed it.

You need to do everything that you can to make sure that the life you are having right now--is based on your own will and decisions--that is the only way you will be able to justify it.

The death of these creative souls reminded me of my journey together with Baguio artists and several artists based on Singapore and Japan way back 2012.

We took the bus, there were around 27 people in the bus...despite coming from different backgrounds and having different jobs--we all had one common goal.--to enjoy life!

We took that bus ride and journeyed for 5 straight days to various places, we camped out and just set up bonfires and the artists shared their artworks to the community. Art should not be placed inside museums--art should be lived.

Perhaps, if it was our bus who fell down the mountain...I would still say the same thing...death is everywhere, death is not a sad thing--because I know that if it were our bus who fell down there-- we each would die without any regrets.

For how will we die with regrets when everyday our life revolved around bonfires, cooking pinikpikan, drinking brewed coffee, dancing to our hearts content--doing projects that we love to do--how will we die with regrets when we have poured out our hearts to the people we love even if they have rejected us.

How can we die in vain, when we have experienced being with kindred souls...people who have accepted us despite our weirdness...despite the fact that we can't offer much on the material aspect of things...?

How will you die with regret when we have experienced conversing with each other from 8pm to 9am in the morning...without stopping--because we have just enjoyed each other's company too much...?

The people I met whether they come from Baguio or any part of the world are individuals lived their lives outside the expectation of the world.
Many of my friends have traveled to more than 40 cities and more than 15 countries--despite not having any material things to boast about in life...

I call them the Just Do it people.... people who are brave enough to let out their inner soul and people who told life. I am here--Let's make this life an eternal party!

The person I have become was a totally different person 5 years seems amazing now that I am not even afraid to die--and that I know deep inside that people like Tado have lived their lives content and with no regret...
A lot of ideologies will tell you to avoid loving yourself too much--but then if you cannot love yourself…you will not be able to love anybody else... a lot of teachings will tell you to forget who you are and what you feel...a lot of teachings will tell you to sacrifice at the expense of yourself...

I say those are all lies...listen to you...Just Do it!

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